
Cyberpunk 2077 1.06 update patch notes - samayoaovell1975

Hacker 2077 update 1.06 is out, and this hotfix addresses a a few major issues that players have been facing. Unluckily, as a hotfix, the Cyberpunk 2077 1.06 patch doesn't bring sweeping changes to the crippled. Many of the same issues we found during our review remain. Nonetheless, it is a step in the right field direction.

Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.06 update patch notes

Cyberpunk 2077 Can't Pick Up Loot fix

The Cyber-terrorist 2077 hotfix 1.06 update has a brief patch notes list:

  • Quests
    • Dum Dum will no longer go missing from Totentanz entrance during Second Conflict.
  • Comfort-taxonomic category
    • Improved memory board management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.
  • PC-specialised
    • Separate the 8 MB save file size limit. Preeminence: this won't restore save files corrupted before the update.

Of particular note is the PC-specific removal of the 8MB save file size limit. Upon launch, the PC adaptation's saves were a ticking time bomb as they would corrupt upon hit 8MB. Umteen players were able to scram through the gage without issuance, but some saw tens of hours lost when the game refused to charge their saves.

We haven't inveterate information technology yet, but home PS4 and Xbox One players May have a smoother see upon updating to Cyberpunk 2077 1.06. The patch notes state that computer storage management has been improved, which should lead to less crashes. It's entirely possible that the issue facing console gamers may in part be due to a memory leak, a problem with which Microcomputer players sustain been afflicted.

Hacker 2077 update 1.06 is the third patch released since the game launched on December 10. Many feared that CD Projekt Red would acquire a while to fix the infinite of bugs lay out in the title. While there are plenty of glitches socialistic in the game, the devs have at least started to catch on to a point where it's playable on all released platforms.

Two large patches are regular for January and February, according to Candela Projekt Red. These updates should focus on optimizing the game further for last-gen consoles and hopefully lay the groundwork to fix some of the more rough systems present.


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